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What is ONE Thing Entrepreneurs Should Be Doing, But Aren’t Doing?

Many entrepreneurs without marketing backgrounds assume marketing is just about telling your story and your client’s stories, and then convincing and selling them on it. But those assumptions often cause us to overlook the one part of marketing that far too few businesses practice. Are you ready for it? It’s listening. Entrepreneurs should realize that […]

What I Learned From Losing Everything

I want to talk about what I learned from losing everything. Back around 2008, the economic engine of our country crashed. And I crashed. What I had taken 20 years to build felt like it was destroyed overnight. I had accumulated over $10 million in assets between my real estate holdings and my investments, and […]

Why You Need Retail As A Revenue Stream In Your Business

How do you make more money without trading time for dollars? Finding out what your customer needs will tell you what kind of revenue streams you need to add to your business. And at the end of the day, most of that is going to come from your customer saying NO. Focusing on multiple revenue […]

How To Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions

Are you getting the year off to the right start? Another year has come, and another year has gone. Now what?

I’m giving you tried and true practices to make sure that you achieve your goals this year.

How To Stay Coachable

What does it really mean to be coachable? It’s about how a person responds when giving feedback and it will be a valuable skill in your toolbelt.

The 5 Things Entrepreneurs Overlook

Let’s talk about changing the money game. I’ve made millions and I’ve lost millions, and I’ve learned some really hard lessons. Here are 5 mistakes you can avoid making as entrepreneurs.

Time Management: A Few Game-changing Tips

Have you ever wondered why some people get more done in less amount of time? Do you have so many things on your plate that you want to get done, but you don’t have time to do it? Success in almost everything involves time management. It seems there are just never enough hours in the […]

How Do I Find Speaking Events?

One thing I get asked all the time is – How do I find speaking events? I want you to have the answer because speaking is the single most effective way to make yourself into a trusted advisor and expert in your niche. Speaking provides you the kind of authority that will help you close […]