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How To Stay Humble While Owning Your Success

So how do I stay humble, but powerful at the same time? You want to own your success, but humility and kindness can actually help you get ahead as well.

The more I grow, the more confidence I have, the more experience I have, and the more press I get, the harder it is to stay grounded. My GPS (God Placement System) keeps me on the straight and narrow, but sometimes, my little bulldog shows up and my ego creeps in.

Confidence is key to getting ahead in life.

However, overconfidence causes us to be perceived as jerks. None of us want to be that person. It okay to be wrong and it’s okay to admit that to others.

I used to think leadership meant having all the answers. But that’s not leadership. It’s about staying humble, working with my team, and surrounding myself with people I respect.

What are the benefits to staying humble?


Humility soothes the soul.

Humble people are better able to cope with anxiety, better at taking feedback, and providing useful feedback.

Staying humble helps me have better self-control.

Self-control is essential in business. When you want to ‘rip somebody’s head off’, go ahead and eat your humble pie, take a minute, figure out a way to contribute and turn the situation around.

Humility makes you more helpful.

It allows you to consider what someone else may need. You’re better able to support them and find ways to contribute to them.

You can kill them with kindness.

This is the golden rule, but kindness is often overlooked as weakness. Kindness allows people to see you in a more generous way, and it can go a long way.


So I challenge you to check your ego. What can things can you put in place on a daily basis to help you check your humility?

I can’t wait to have you check in. Remember, you’re not in business BY yourself, you’re in business FOR yourself.


Your Partner in Prosperity,

P.S. I will be LIVE on Facebook and Instagram on Monday @ 12:00 pm PST!!! Bring all your burning questions and come hang out!

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Susie Carder is an unstoppable business coach who has firmly established herself as a successful entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping her clients’ businesses exceed their wildest expectations! Learn more by visiting

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