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5 Money Questions To Ask About Your Business

I don’t know if you’re like me, but the reason I love money so much, it because I really sucked at it when I was younger. I spent more money than I made, had credit card debt, and even had to file bankruptcy at one point. The reason I am so passionate about this topic […]

The Biggest Mistakes Of A Startup Entrepreneur

Do you know what the biggest mistakes are for startup entrepreneurs? It’s like your mom used to always say, “If I knew then what I know now”. Well, I’m going to share with you now, what I wish I knew then. We don’t have enough money Money is king. You’ve got to have money in […]

Business Resources During The Global COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has left millions of Americans unemployed, and many more have seen lost wages and reduced working hours due to various shelter-in-place orders across the country. It’s scary and I don’t know about you but staying on top of it all is exhausting.  So, I have compiled some useful information to help us weather […]

How To Tap Into Your Passion

Today I am going to talk about how to tap into your passion.   So, how do you tap into your passion? Do you feel like a fish out of water – like you’re dying inside? Likely, we just need to push you into a new direction. We’ve been taught to believe that dissatisfaction is […]

How to Create the Business That You Love

To create a business, of course it should be something that you really love. Passion is the catalyst that turns a business into a successful one. Without your love, business will remain constant without even moving it into the next level. So, the question is “are you building a business because the love you have […]

The Soul of a Business

How do you have your team produce extra ordinary results? I have been working and coaching business’ for over 15 years and not only is that their question but mine as well. This industry has a plethora of people and personalities and because we are creative birds it can be challenging to harness the energy […]

Wealth Is Your Birthright

“Learn it Today, Implement it Tomorrow” I recently had the opportunity to sit down with the beautiful Keri Murphy of Inspired Living TV and we discussed 3 Things that You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Increase Your Wealth. Personally, I didn’t come from a wealthy family. Wealth was not handed to me, I had to make it […]

Don’t Wait for it to Happen…

When it comes to promoting your business, get CREATIVE, be INNOVATIVE. What can you do to build your brand while you are waiting for your product to launch? Watch this 1-minute video to see a fun project you can do to promote your book while you are waiting for it to get published. I created […]

My Journal Entry from 1993

Building the Foundation for Your Dreams As I was going through my journals the other day I came across this entry from 1993 that I vividly remember quickly jotting down. “Being a public speaker would give me the sense of independence I need. The sense of adventure and provide me with a challenge and utilize […]

How to Set Powerful Intentions

One of the most important things that you need to do is to set your intentions. Having dreams can give you exact direction and point towards the right path to take. But, there’s a lot of things you need to consider to successfully and effectively build the foundation of your dream. If you don’t exactly know […]