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How To Tap Into Your Passion

Today I am going to talk about how to tap into your passion.  

So, how do you tap into your passion?

Do you feel like a fish out of water – like you’re dying inside? Likely, we just need to push you into a new direction. We’ve been taught to believe that dissatisfaction is a bad thing. That we should ignore it, push it to the side, pretend it isn’t there. But consider that God may be using this to make you uncomfortable, to realize you can do something more. If you’re miserable in your career and you’ve been miserable for a long time, consider that there may be another plan.

Listen to others.

Watch them and figure out what lights those people up. Then start paying attention to the comments people are saying to you. They can be a key indicator of your gifts and your purpose. The universe is trying to tell you something. Of course, there are times we shouldn’t listen to others. But when what they say about us aligns with our passion, our gift is revealed to us. Have you ever really considered what your talents and gifts are? Do you love business? Do you love people? Are you a health and fitness buff? A strategic thinker? A builder? Are you a motivator?

Make a list of all the activities and interests you excel in.

Ask yourself, what is ONE thing I do better than anybody else?  The gifts that are given to us are like little seeds planted within us. But in order for them to grow, we have to nurture them. If you can’t figure out what gift seed you have, you need to try new ones. Even if they are not your true gifts, it will help you gain experience and guide you to your true passion. You can’t just sit back and wait.

Listen to your passions.

If I asked you what makes you angry, excited, and passionate – what would you say? Take note of these things. Sometimes these are the signs of our purpose. These passion points are the direction for your purpose. Ask to be shown the gifts that you have and make a list.

Consider that your purpose is not just yours.

If you ignore or neglect it, you’re not just betraying yourself, but also your purpose, and that is not just yours to keep. It is your responsibility to share that with others. Tap into the things that bring you joy and that don’t feel like hard work. I want you to find your zone. Keep searching and keep digging.

I promise you, it’s worth it.

Your partner in prosperity,
Follow Susie Carder here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Website: YouTube:

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