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3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Producing the Revenue It Could (and Should)

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you started your business to turn a passion into a way to get paid … or because you saw a need in the marketplace you thought you could fill. You probably also wanted to make some great money and build more time freedom into your life. But I bet that’s […]

Cracking the Code to Success

“Your business is like opening a safe safe, if you’re off just one little tick, the safe won’t open.” I spoke with Lisa Lockwood of West Coast Weekly and we discussed the importance of having the right code to unlock your business “safe”. Remember a few weeks back when I shared with you about how […]

The Benefits of Strategic Direction

Every company or business aims to succeed, but to fully achieve that they have to visualize their success and plan on the steps and strategies that they need to focus on. Having and maintaining a Strategic Direction is very important to the organization’s success especially in the global market. Strategy means you will be choosing […]

Improve Your Sales with Web Marketing

If you are thinking why you’re not generating enough sales in order to keep afloat, then you should ask yourself a couple of questions. First and foremost, have you begun marketing your brand or business on the internet? If not, you should get started immediately due to the fact that online marketing is the quickest […]

3 Tips to Improve Employee Retention

Engagement = Motivation = Performance = Productivity = Profitability One of the most common reasons why an employee leaves their jobs is because of a lower rate of payment. However, another main reason for that is because of their boss or leader and the environment that they are creating. This impact can push an employee […]

5 People You Need On Your Team

The kinds of people you invite as members of your team can have a significant impact on the success of your company. The smart entrepreneurs are surrounding themselves with encouraging people, particularly if the business is bad. Optimistic people do come in numerous forms, yet their feel-good, can-do attitudes are generally contagious. Research that was […]

How to Set Powerful Intentions

One of the most important things that you need to do is to set your intentions. Having dreams can give you exact direction and point towards the right path to take. But, there’s a lot of things you need to consider to successfully and effectively build the foundation of your dream. If you don’t exactly know […]

Are your Thoughts Setting you up for Success?

If there is one thing that determines your chances to success and happiness, it will always be your attitude. A person’s attitude is what determines his or her actions and affects the people around him or her. The same thing applies in business, particularly in sales. Great products attract business. But still, it is your […]

Turn Passion Into Profit

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.90″ background_layout=”light”] It is natural that everyone wants to live a joyful, healthy, as well as abundant life. Well, to support this aim, you must have a career that can help you to support your daily needs. Meanwhile, are you an aspiring business enthusiast that wants to reap fortune after fortune? Then, […]

4 Perfect Ways To Make Money While You Sleep

Do you believe that there are ways that you can actually make money while you are sleeping? If no, well you have to believe it’s true. Since we have been using advanced technologies and through social media, it is not that difficult to earn income. The following are the perfect ways to make money while […]