What makes for a great experience? Why are some businesses are more successful than others? Or why clients like going to the same restaurants? Why they will spend more for something, even when they can get it cheaper somewhere else?
It’s because the businesses that are successful are managing the experience. Every last detail is managed to create an experience that is unforgettable!
Think about your business for a moment. Do you manage the experience?
Let’s take this little quiz and see!
Remember it is everyone in the business that is responsible for the experience even if you’re an independent contractor – how your teammates dress, act or present themselves effects your business!
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, 1 representing extreme lack, 10 representing you excel!
- The website is up to date and exudes professionalism________
- You and your team are professional and personable________
- You address clients by name, even if they aren’t your client________
- There is a systematic approach to finding your clients needs________
- You make product recommendations to all your clients________
- Service recommendations are made to all your clients________
- You invite them back to your business, every appointment________
- You charge what you’re worth________
- The business is promoted monthly, always seeking new clients________
- You have a follow up program in place________
- Your tools are the best quality________
- You ask your clients for referrals________
- You’re computerized or have a tracking system________
- You plan for the future financially________
- Technically, you ROCK________
Total your score and look at what areas of the business you are not managing! If you got 10’s on everything congratulate yourself on a job well done!
What can you do to improve?
First, wake up and wake your team members up! The first part of any change is to notice what isn’t working. Next, is put an action plan together for each point and get busy. Don’t try to change all at once, take one area at time, focus on your lowest score to the highest. It might be advantageous to get your clients feedback to make sure you’re not in denial or to get affirmation that you need improvement.
You’re never going to get a second chance to make a first impression.
Successful businesses are always looking at how can they get better – how can they improve! The great insight here is not the knowledge of this exercise but it will now be the action. Without action there is no result or change.