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Creating Guiding Principles for Your Team

Every business needs to create guiding principles for their team to live by. You create these principles with your team, even if it is just one other person, or you will create them yourself and share them with each new team prospect. To create these principles, you have to look at what is important to […]

Are You Selling the Right Solutions?

Have you looked at your sales performance lately? What products and services are giving you a good return on the investment in ads, talent, and energy? This will tell you if you are actually selling solutions. Sometimes, your sales numbers can confirm that you are selling the RIGHT solutions to your clients/customers. And sometimes they […]

Pay Yourself What You’re Worth

Many entrepreneurs don’t value themselves enough. Is that you? Do you pay yourself what you are worth? Once you recognize that you have to be in business to make money or you can’t keep serving your client, some of that money has to come to you. There is no glory in saying “I reinvest everything […]

3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Producing the Revenue It Could (and Should)

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you started your business to turn a passion into a way to get paid … or because you saw a need in the marketplace you thought you could fill. You probably also wanted to make some great money and build more time freedom into your life. But I bet that’s […]

Are You Selling the Right Solutions?

When is the last time you looked at a report of your revenue line items? How many product and service lines are active in your business, how much do they generate in income, and how much does it cost to generate that income per line item? Think about it: are you selling the right solutions? […]

All Systems Go?

If something were to happen to you or you decided to run off into the sunset tomorrow, would someone be able to come in and run your business? When you leave for vacation, can you say “All Systems Go”? For many who start out and operate as the sole owner/employee of the company during the […]

Cracking the Code to Success

“Your business is like opening a safe safe, if you’re off just one little tick, the safe won’t open.” I spoke with Lisa Lockwood of West Coast Weekly and we discussed the importance of having the right code to unlock your business “safe”. Remember a few weeks back when I shared with you about how […]

Wealth Is Your Birthright

“Learn it Today, Implement it Tomorrow” I recently had the opportunity to sit down with the beautiful Keri Murphy of Inspired Living TV and we discussed 3 Things that You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Increase Your Wealth. Personally, I didn’t come from a wealthy family. Wealth was not handed to me, I had to make it […]

Don’t Wait for it to Happen…

When it comes to promoting your business, get CREATIVE, be INNOVATIVE. What can you do to build your brand while you are waiting for your product to launch? Watch this 1-minute video to see a fun project you can do to promote your book while you are waiting for it to get published. I created […]

My Journal Entry from 1993

Building the Foundation for Your Dreams As I was going through my journals the other day I came across this entry from 1993 that I vividly remember quickly jotting down. “Being a public speaker would give me the sense of independence I need. The sense of adventure and provide me with a challenge and utilize […]