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The Soul of a Business

How do you have your team produce extra ordinary results? I have been working and coaching business’ for over 15 years and not only is that their question but mine as well. This industry has a plethora of people and personalities and because we are creative birds it can be challenging to harness the energy […]

3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Producing the Revenue It Could (and Should)

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you started your business to turn a passion into a way to get paid … or because you saw a need in the marketplace you thought you could fill. You probably also wanted to make some great money and build more time freedom into your life. But I bet that’s […]

Are You Selling the Right Solutions?

When is the last time you looked at a report of your revenue line items? How many product and service lines are active in your business, how much do they generate in income, and how much does it cost to generate that income per line item? Think about it: are you selling the right solutions? […]

Don’t Wait for it to Happen…

When it comes to promoting your business, get CREATIVE, be INNOVATIVE. What can you do to build your brand while you are waiting for your product to launch? Watch this 1-minute video to see a fun project you can do to promote your book while you are waiting for it to get published. I created […]

Improve Your Sales with Web Marketing

If you are thinking why you’re not generating enough sales in order to keep afloat, then you should ask yourself a couple of questions. First and foremost, have you begun marketing your brand or business on the internet? If not, you should get started immediately due to the fact that online marketing is the quickest […]

The Importance of a Social Media Strategy

A lot of companies today, either small scale or large scale, invest in social media marketing. These companies pay a significant amount of money every month just to promote on social media websites. These companies want to become visible to the massive amount of online users from different parts of the globe. For small business […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Marketing Plan Simple to Follow

Since there are so many marketing plan options, more and more people struggle with it. They are unsure of what they should be doing, where marketing placements should be, when is the best time, and how to get the most out of it all. There are different variables such as capacity, industry, and goals that […]

5 Qualities to Ensure the Success of Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a strategy and hence, there is no marketing plan that is entirely fool-proof. To effectively convert your customers and make your marketing efforts a success there are a few important qualities which should be met. A marketing plan serves as a framework which should be followed in order to transform your efforts into […]

5 Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Branding

Improve Your Brand with these Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies You may want to reduce your marketing costs while getting your desired results. This is particularly important if your brand is new and you want to grow it. Your goal is to get the maximum return on your investment and you can achieve this by using the […]

Best Marketing Techniques for Business Success

What are the Best Marketing Techniques for Business Success? Piecing together a marketing campaign and a marketing plan embodies an overwhelming prospect for many businesses and organizations. With lots of ideas available in making a successful marketing, companies often end up trying to adopt lots of techniques and ultimately a marketing campaign ends up not […]