Having talent is not enough to thrive in this world. We also have to know how to leverage that talent and make people know, like, and trust us. Only then can we monetize and further use our talents to help and inspire others. In this episode, Susie Carder is joined by her media visibility coach, Debbi Dachinger, to help us, especially budding authors, look at how to monetize, leverage, and get seen and heard. But first, Debbi lays down the characteristics of an ideal client that people would like to work with. She then talks about thriving in this marketplace, how to become a bestseller, and why a book can also provide you with credibility and visibility. Don’t miss out on this conversation, and take your talents out to the world.
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Get Seen And Heard: How To Leverage Your Talent With Debbi Dachinger
I’m so excited that you’re here because our audience needs you, especially the author services. We have a lot of authors, speakers and writers, people who are trying to leverage their gifts and talent. I tell them they need to do it, but I don’t do it. I’m bringing you one of my badass friends to help us look at how I monetize what I’m doing, how I leverage, get seen and get heard because we all know to get paid. Debbi, you are a media visibility coach. Let’s talk about that.
Tell us who your ideal client is because we always talk about it. Let’s work with our ideal clients, people we love and adore and who love and adore us, people who are coachable and we’ll do the work because that makes all the difference in the world. Share a little bit about what you’re up to, what’s happening and how you serve.
Thank you. First of all, it’s amazing to be here with you, my dear, on your estimable show. I’m grateful to be sharing this. I feel like now more than ever in the world, things that I teach and coach about are so needed. What COVID taught us during the pandemic is if we’re not online, we’re in trouble here. Writing your book, you can do at home. Being interviewed, you can definitely do it from home and all of these things accelerate our visibility.
I do everything in the world. I also coach. I’ve had a radio show podcast. I’ve been interviewed in over 1,500 media outlets. I’ve written four international bestselling books. I help people. I produce anthologies and I teach people how to be interviewed. A lot of people out there on both the book and the interview front, they think, “I can just do that.” I find so many people waste a lot of time and a lot of money googling things and trying to figure them out on their own, but we all need to be coachable. Having a guide to me, a coach is like somebody coming into the darkness with a lantern and they’re lighting the path in front of us, so it’s smooth and easy.
If there are challenges, someone’s in our corner. If there are wins, there’s someone to celebrate. My ideal client, I tend to attract spiritual entrepreneurs and healers a lot, people who are pretty exquisite with their gifts and most importantly, men and women both come to me equally, which I love. I will say my favorite client is someone who knows that they don’t know.
They want to get somewhere. They want to get where they are to the finish line and have a good journey in between and that they are coachable. They have the ability to be coached. When I say something, they follow through because 100% of the time, when that happens, my clients say to me, “That worked so well. Here’s what I’m producing.” There’s all this excitement and confidence being built for them. Being hungry is super important, the willingness and knowing that you’re an expert in what you’re an expert in. The rest, let go and enjoy the ride. Let somebody help you.
I always say that a really good coach can shave ten years off your learning curve. Find someone that’s walking the talk. I love that you said that. I’m doing it. It’s not ideas or theories because there are a lot of shenanigans happening in the marketplace. I think there are a lot of charlatans, “Just do as I say,” but they haven’t done it.
It’s so true. Even in COVID, Susie, one of the things that I saw that is questionable is a lot of people saw, “It’s so optimal to be interviewed right now.” People who have zero publicity background were hanging up a shingle and saying, “I’ll help you get this many interviews,” and they were taking on clients at a reduced rate than a regular publicist. I had a real problem with that because it was so abundantly clear. I’ve been doing this a long time. I know what a publicity pitch looks like. I know exactly what I receive and how it’s laid out. These were not laid out like that. They were very amateurish and one of the things they did was they had no idea about my show.
[bctt tweet=”We all need to be coachable. Having a guide is like somebody coming into the darkness with a lantern, and they’re lighting the path in front of us.” username=””]
It’s like your show is about women, business, money and success, but also the behind-the-scenes and the transparency. What if somebody came to you about plumbing or gardening? It’s not a fit. It’s not your niche. There’s been a lot of shenanigans around that. Also, people say, “I want to be interviewed,” and have no idea how to show up for a show and do a great job.
Also, not doing research about who’s interviewing you. That’s always annoying too. If it’s not in my notes with my team, I’m like, “Excuse me,” because I always look at who am I talking to. What’s their deal? What’s their story? All that pre-stuff just so you are speaking intelligently. There’s always a pandemic, recession, depression, financial crisis, an election or taxes. People think this is an anomaly and I’ve been in business long enough. I’ve been on the rollercoaster to go, “Let’s pivot.” What are you seeing in your niche? How did you thrive in this time because you’ve thrived? I think people think there’s some secret fairy dust, but there’s not. What do you see in the marketplace and how do you pivot?
I got hit hard in the beginning, just like everybody else. Clients who are private, bye. They were suddenly off the map. Groups, it was crickets out there for a long time. I certainly learned a lot about what to prepare for financially. Don’t ever take anything that looks consistent for granted. What I learned to do to pivot is to recreate and be open. If not that, then what is possible. I started an online Zoom for book writing and we’re still coaching all this time later.
Everybody shows up twice a month on Zoom. That’s been very compelling. Challenges have been good for me to meet new people. At one point, I sent out a note that came off very personal to my database saying, “How are you? What’s going on? Do you want to talk about collaboration?” It’s amazing that out of thousands of people how many write back, but the people who did, I made a Zoom appointment with every one of them. It was so cool getting to know the people on my database and what their needs are because people’s needs are what create my business.
Personalized is so amazing because I think we’re like, “I’m emailing them. I’m listening to them,” but you do have to get connected and stay connected. It’s not just fast cash. It can be, but there’s this relationship that you’re creating. It’s not about just building a list because, again, Debbi and I are a little seasoned. I’m seasoned. You have people that have these monster lists, but nobody’s engaged. The list is worthless. Small can be mighty when you look at that. Let’s look at your business now. You’ve been in business for many years.
The business aspect was fourteen years in 2022. It was a year into doing my podcast when I started writing books. Back then, nobody was coaching that. I had people who are entrepreneurs and small business owners coming to me and saying, “I’d like to do what you’re doing. Can you show me?” That’s how my business was born. I started saying, “I’ll put together a class. I can show you how to become a bestseller. I can show you how to write a highly engaging book that people want to buy and talk about. I can show you how to be interviewed and all the pieces.” That’s how it started. A lot of my careers have been born like that. I’m fulfilling a need.
I think that’s listening. I always say that’s the universe or God knocking. When listening, there’s money all around us, but most of us don’t listen. We don’t listen to the clues. We’re not listening to our clients. We’re just doing it versus a very attuned and astute business owner to go, “Sure.” I did the same thing. I’m like, “Sure. I can teach you that.” I’m not going to charge for it back then. I’m like, “How do I make money in this now?”
I was listening to one of your shows with somebody else where you were talking about what to charge and it made me think. Also, reading your book, by the way. There is some incredible information in there about money that is eye-opening. I was thinking, “We are being asked to pay a lot more right now at a gas station, produce and rents.” Real estate is ballistic right now. It’s like, “How do we make up for that too?” Looking at your material, Susie has made me aware of my business right now. Maybe there are pockets where I need to start charging more to make up for all of what I’m paying or overpaying right now.
I think people get confused because it’s your expertise. When you look at your expertise specifically, we’re paying for those results and not your time. That’s where most coaches and consultants are like, “I can’t charge more than this for my time.” It’s not about your time. I don’t care if it takes you an hour or five hours to teach me the content. I’d rather do it in an hour and I still have to pay the same.
I’ll pay the same because time is money. You go, “Can you help me get there from point A to point B?” What do you see with most authors because there’s a lot of done for your author services that, again, are shenanigans? There are so many like, “Let’s put a real book together,” and I don’t mean that disrespectfully, but you know what I’m talking about.
It’s because people will even ask me when I have a bestselling book. They’re like, “Is it a real book?” I’m like, “It’s a real book,” and I get it. They’re not talking about like what we used to do in the old day for brochures. It is now being called books in some instances. What advice do you have for others who are looking for someone like you to go, “How do I do my due diligence? How do I find you? What questions should I be asking that I don’t even know what I should be asking?”
It’s realistic for somebody to ask what’s the process and how long it takes. You’re not going to work with a book coach for one month. A book takes at best 6 months to 1 year. When you hire somebody like me, I don’t just take you through how to write a page-turner, which I think is very important in all the book noise out there is to write a darn good book.
I also take you through the whole process of being self-published and all the elements that go into your book that are necessary, the book cover, the editing, the endorsements and all of what’s needed. Most people find this so tremendously helpful. I also think to ask realistically, like, “What is it going to take?” Somebody who comes to me and says, “I don’t have time.”
You need to make time to write that book because you’re giving birth to something. There are so many elements that go into the book that I think is important, but I’ve been working with somebody. I love the fact that when she shows up, it’s like, “What’s the next step? Teach me the next step.” I also love the fact that everybody who comes, comes in with a different need. There is a formula and a system, but I will say that it’s very fluid. I’ve got somebody I’m working with right now. She’s led an amazing life. It’s pretty miraculous who she’s become in spite of her upbringing. One of the things she wants to do is to go back and interview people in her life.
We’re utilizing that as a part of her writing the book. Some of it will be transcribed and so forth. Her reactions to it, she’s going to do videos around it. It’ll be a whole journey. I’ve got other people who have lots of capacity to write and they’re going to write five days a week, but I will say inherently, the most important thing for people is to be open to the fact that you’re going to start wherever you start.
I take people from all aberrant releases. Meaning, “I can’t write. I’m not a writer. I don’t know what I’m doing. How do I write if anything and knows that anything I’m writing is going to be any good that somebody will want to read,” and so forth. There are a lot of doubts that people come with and it’s okay. You don’t know what you don’t know.
[bctt tweet=”With all the book noise out there, it is important to write a really darn good book.” username=””]
What excites me is to see those who stick with it and want to write a book over time. Their writing changes so much and I become such a proud mama because I see my clients becoming so savvy and confident like, “They got this.” Where they started and what they’re producing now, it’s night and day. They’re writing. They become real authors.
To be super open to the process, don’t feel like you have to know things. Let yourself be guided and understand that the booking process does take time, but relish it. Eventually, you’ll get to the publishing but relish the process you’re in because you’re going to learn so much about yourself. A secret, don’t edit while you write. When you’re done writing your first draft, read it out loud to yourself and not to a group.
You will A) Know that at that moment, you have a real book. It’s very exciting. B) It’s the first thing you do before you hand it off to an editor so you can do all the tweaks and hear the musicality, harmony or disharmony of your book. You will know the little changes to make and most importantly, we often educate ourselves during our out loud read. I know reading all of my books. When clients read their books, they’re like, “I needed to hear that now.” It’s your own words as though it’s been channeled through you.
You realize and I’m like, “I am so smart.” When I read my book, I’m like, “I said that.” It has you own your greatness in a different way because you can put it in there, but once you’re you’ve done it, you move to the next thing. I also realized the first time I read it, it was boring. I’m like, “This will put snore time. We need more stories. I need to put me in it.” I’m like, “You got to do the facts.” My editor was like, “Susie, first of all, it’s way too much content.”
You had two books in your one book.
You got five, but you need a good book coach like you who will tell you the truth. I had two book coaches where I had my editor and then I had a book coach that was helping me market it and get out in there. Make it a bestseller and all that good stuff. This is my 10th book, but this book was published by Simon & Schuster and I did that purposely. I had a publishing company with my other content because I got denied by the publisher. There was only one publisher in the industry and they rejected me and I’m like, “Fine. Forget you. I’ll just start running.”
That’s perfect because that’s what happens a lot. I tell people often when they try from the get-go to go for a publisher, most often, it won’t happen and it’s okay. Please don’t be disappointed. Self-publishing is a beautiful thing. You want to get at least 2 to 3 books that you’ve self-published under your belt before you go after the publisher. Please know that publishers look for platforms. It’s the way a lot of the world works right now that they want to know you have the numbers. If they invest their money into you and your book, you are also coming up with a platform or database that will want to buy your book and follow you to keep this book successful.
The fact that it was your 10th book makes sense, but what a beautiful publisher for you to land. I always say a traditional publisher is an expensive lending house. They’re giving you the money upfront to write the book versus having my own. I’ve made millions because of my book, not from the book. In my first book, I was that way, Debbi. “I want to be famous. I’m going to read this book.”
Let’s unpack that because it’s so prevalent, Susie. You’re not the only one and I even had people come to me. Bless their audacity and say, “I’ll tell you what, instead of paying you, why don’t you take a percentage of my loyalties?” It basically means, “Debbi, will you come work for me for free?” Many years later, I still get royalties from my books, but it’s bupkis. It was not going to pay the rent for anybody. You can’t say that to a book coach. Don’t split your royalties unless you’re Deepak Chopra or something like that. What Susie is talking about is that there are some people who do a whole thing around sales. That’s the caveat, but the majority of us don’t get rich off of a book. We get rich as a byproduct of our books.
There are so many ways to repurpose by being interviewed, by speaking, by setting up a whole webinar series around your book, by doing a whole coaching system around your book, by allowing that to be the intro to people who may want to work with you or understand your work and the list goes on. A book creates visibility. Everything you do regarding the book and the book launch creates visibility. Visibility begets visibility. It’s a 401(k) plan. Everybody’s finding out about you and they want you on panels and speaking. It opens you up to a whole other world.
It changes the game. People who wouldn’t hire me previously before I was a published bestselling author all of a sudden were like, “You’re an author.” I’m like, “Really?” People said that to me, but I’m like, “I can’t make that big a difference.” Yes, it does, especially if you have a credible and a real book. I don’t mean disrespect by that, but it’s important to understand what the media and the interviewers are looking at.
The quality of the work does make a huge difference. Some people say, “Get a book.” It’s got to be good. I love that you do anthologies because I’ve been in two. It was like, “Let me get in with these people. Let’s hitch my wagon to these stars that I didn’t have to write the whole book, but it also got me another bestselling book.”
It’s leverage. It’s how you are monetizing it and you’ve got to have people like Debbi and myself who know the path. I don’t do that work. I’ll send it to Debbi, but I’ll show you the money path. “Here’s how we’re going to make the money. Let’s find a Debbi.” It’s important that you realize you’ll make money.
The book is an expensive business card. It’s a credibility piece. It’s a leverage piece, but my whole product suite is based on our book. The more intimacy with me, the more access to me and the higher the price point. It’s the same content. If you think back, we’re teaching the same content. We’re just delivering it differently. When I look at that, people start recreating so much stuff that none of it speaks to each other.
It’s not in alignment.
From point A to point B. Let’s look at one thing your program did for one of the clients you didn’t expect.
[bctt tweet=”The majority of us don’t get rich off of a book, but we get rich as a byproduct of our books.” username=””]
I had this gal come to me and she was a young widowed mom with two kids. It’s a few years ago now because we know what it costs here in LA for a publicist. She said at the time, “I’m paying a publicist $3,500 and she’s not booking me. I’ve run out of money. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s going wrong, but this is sort of a last-ditch effort.” She believed in me and said, “Let’s work together and see what we can co-create here.” Her story was amazing. What happened by virtue of her husband passing away and some of the gifts that became alive and in bloom in her that were very unexpected.
Her message was more about the story and about the hardship of it. I could tell when I watched some replays of the interviews she did do that she wasn’t reaching her audience. She wasn’t creating a resonance and there was no space for ROI, CTA, Call To Action and all of that for people to work with her. We completely retooled how she showed up. This was a story about a thriver and not just surviving, but somebody whose life had been forevermore altered because of a tragedy. It also opened up things in her and abilities that would never have shown up otherwise.
It was very powerful. We started focusing on that and the content and value of who she was and what she now knew in regards to sharing that with the audience. I taught her the whole system and how to find the right shows for her, how to show up for those shows and what to do during the interview. She started utilizing that. Her trajectory was pretty quick, which made me happy because she came without a lot of money.
She was very quickly on a radio podcast, then mainstream radio podcasts. She started showing me pictures that someone took of her on a TV show, the view-type shows and morning talk shows of her being interviewed with her book and doing a bang-up job, whether it was 3 minutes or 1-hour interview. That was somebody whose life completely changed going forward very successfully, doing well, knew the system and could use it anytime a launch and that was important for a young mother of two. Taking what she was doing and tweaking it, using the authenticity of what had happened to her, but showing her a whole different presentation and then people were falling in love with her as well as the journalists. It was a feel-good story.
That was a big one but what I love and what you’re saying, which resonates with our students is there’s a system. This doesn’t happen by accident. I love that you said that because our students like to learn in systems. When you go, “There is a system to it,” because people go, “I don’t have it factor.” What are you developing in yourself? You can’t just put that on the back door. What I also heard you say is she had no backdoor.
You said she turned it around pretty quickly. I find people that have a back door, meaning you’ve got another job and this might be the second thing you’re launching. You’re committed, but you’re not committed. That’s the back door. When you don’t have a backdoor, you’re like, “I got to make this work or bust.” I love that you teach inside that system how do you get interviewed? How do you get press?
That’s very interesting that you say that. I never thought about it and it makes sense. I will also say another thing that people have a lot is there’s a lot of very metaphysical people, healers, spiritual people out there. They feel stuck like, “How do I go on any kind of show and talk about this stuff?” I have ways to show people how to go mainstream and still be you. There’s a way to switch things up enough that you can completely be received by anybody and make sense.
The light-bringers are very important right now. Rather than feel, if anyone’s reading like, “I’m shut out of being able to do this because I don’t have the language.” You probably don’t right now, but you have the gift and you have enough. You’re just shown some ways of being and I’ve coached so many people to be successful in that area and that also makes me really happy because their gifts are so needed right now. The message is important to get out there.
It is and you go back to the system. A couple of tweaks in the language can open up a huge opportunity. It’s like for your client, a couple of tweaks in what she was saying before to what she was saying after. Let’s talk about you for a second. People just assume. You’re beautiful. You’re successful. You’re accomplished. You’ve been doing this for a long time. You’re an award-winning business owner. You’ve got all these accolades. People don’t think you have any failure. What’s been the biggest failure and what was the learning experience you had from it?
The first one and I don’t know if it was a failure, it was massive confusion. I was an actress and a singer professionally, literally my whole life. I woke up one day and something was different. I knew it was different because I didn’t want to take the time to memorize lines or work on a character. I had been booked on a lot of major things and it was so confusing and it wouldn’t go away long enough that I thought I had to let go. I surrendered and it was a three-year surrender of not knowing what I was going to do with my life, but the one thing and this was not big, “I’m going to do it this way.”
I’m getting anxious for you. What happened?
I should have been getting hives at the time, but instead, I just plotted along and something would present. At first, I started making jewelry because I took a jewelry class and people saw what I was wearing when I made it and they wanted to buy it. I’m like, “Really?” I started making for people and within a month, I was in five stores. I did that. I was always looking for the it and I did that for a long time, but then it started to wane. I joined Toastmasters and I went up the ladder very quickly. I’m like, “I want to speak.” I got out there and I started doing motivational speaking and I loved it, but. It was all those buts. I started singing with a big band and a jazz band.
You can see that during those years, I was just going, “That looks like fun.” I started doing voiceover work for cartoons, which I loved, which got me into radio. That was a God thing because I would’ve never gotten in radio, but it opened up a whole life to me that if I hadn’t done all those pieces, I would have never gotten there. Radio led to writing books and what a journey, here I am now. I would say it was a weird and frustrating time. The worst is the not knowing and having no clue. “Is this going to work out? How is it going to work out? Will I be happy?”
I’ve only ever wanted to be an actress and a singer since I’m a kid and I’m sure people can relate because every entrepreneur goes through this. We hit that crossroads and how are we going to negotiate where we’re going, where we’re headed. For me, the greatest gift was not knowing, being open and following what felt right in light next. It eventually led me to where I am now.
I hear a couple of huge distinctions. One is obedient, which most of us aren’t good at. Be obedient to surrender for three whole years. Most of us will be obedient and surrender for a weekend or a week or if I’m on vacation also render right but three years. There’s something to that to tap into your next, your next season, your next lesson and your next reason. I love that God called you to play this bigger game and to be able to take your acting career. It’s all coming together. I see it as this big pie that’s like, “That’s been your whole life,” and then you figured out this system to teach people how to do it so that you don’t have to spend twenty years.
They get your knowledge, your expertise and go, “Do this and you get this.” I do that with money. It doesn’t have to be hard. It has to be strategic and that’s what you’re saying. There’s strategic, there’s rapport building and there’s trust and in seconds. It doesn’t have to take years to do that. If people want to play with you because I know our tribe will want to play with you and who would not want to play with Debbi? She’s awesome. How do we get ahold of you? How do we play with you? Share with us how we can play with you.
[bctt tweet=”A book creates visibility. Everything you do regarding the book and the book launch creates visibility. And visibility begets visibility. ” username=””]
One, my website is my name, DebbiDachinger.com and that’s me on Instagram, LinkedIn and so forth. It’s the same name and unique spelling. For the folks who are ready to jump, you can write to the team and they’ll get ahold of me and that’s at Support@DebbiDachinger.com. I offer group sessions and private sessions for book writing. If you’ve written a book and you want to take a book to a guaranteed international bestseller, my team and I do it all for you. We do all the heavy lifting. If you want to be interviewed, it’s the same.
I coach and I also have programs online. People have a lot of options about how they want to work. I have somebody who just finished my The Ultimate Visibility Formula, which is about being interviewed. She did the online course and she went through it quickly. She sent me this beautiful testimony, which I live for. When you wake up and there’s that surprise email.
Here’s somebody of her own volition who took it upon herself to saying, “This is the real deal. Now, I’m on three shows already. My whole visibility landscape is changing. This delivered what it said it would.” I was like, “Thank you.” You can do the online programs, any of what I mentioned or if you want to play privately or in group sessions, we can do that too.
Don’t just go with one company. Do your due diligence. Interview Debbi and the other company. They have to get you and your message. Most people don’t know that to go, “Are they going to have the fingerprint that I want to give to the world?” I hear and see that’s what you do. You’re getting the essence of who that person is. We will make sure that your message resonates with the client, the host or with you if you’re going to work to get others.
I would not be where I’m at without my book coaches, without someone handholding me. The very first one I did by myself through books. I bought a book called Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook. After I did that one, I’m like, “I need help because this is way too hard.” All the things you have to know that you can get caught up in the minutiae of not knowing versus, “Just do this.” “I can do that.” I’m a Xerox machine, Debbi. Just tell me what to do and I will do it. I will be your best student.
That’s a great attitude. That’s what we all love. When you’re saying all this, even in the anthology book, I used to do this all on my own. I’d come up with a theme, put it out and bring in the people to do a chapter. It was an amazing experience, especially for folks who hadn’t written a book before or if they’ve written, they are like, “I don’t want to write another one right now, but a chapter is fine.”
This pretty well-known coach came to me and said, “What would that be like if you did this for me?” I bring in my clients and obviously, I was split whatever he brought in. You produce the entire thing, but they would be my clients. I was like, “Ding, ding, ding. Money, money, money. That’s so genius. I can offer this to coaches. I never considered that fully done for you and your clients and everybody wins.” I want to put that out as another way for people who are looking for where their hidden money is that there can be illuminating times when people ask you a question or “Can you do this?” It’s like, “That could be a whole other leg of what I do in my business.”
Debbi, thank you so much. Please reach out to Debbi on her website at DebbiDachinger.com and on our social media handles. We love hearing from students or possible students and let them know that your coach recommended Debbi, so she knows because then you get the friends and family hookup and all the love.
I appreciate you. I appreciate your genius and I so look forward to playing again. Thank you for who you are in the world and all the work that you’re doing to get our message out there. If you love this episode, I need you to share it with your tribe in your community because people are looking for Debbi. We’re looking for how they can get seen, get heard, get paid and that’s Debbi’s dream. Her job is to make that happen for you. Thank you, Debbi, for being here. I appreciate you.
Thanks for being so fierce. Thank you.
Important Links
- Debbi Dachinger
- Instagram – Debbi Dachinger
- LinkedIn – Debbi Dachinger
- Support@DebbiDachinger.com
- The Ultimate Visibility Formula
- Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook
- https://Twitter.com/DebbiDachinger
- https://www.Facebook.com/debdachinger
- https://www.Instagram.com/daretodreampodcast
- https://Co.Pinterest.com/debontheradio
- http://www.YouTube.com/c/DebbiDachinger
- https://Podcasts.Apple.com/us/podcast/dare-to-dream-with-debbi-dachinger/id1091040454
- https://www.Amazon.com/dp/1467930814
- https://www.Amazon.com/dp/1490905332
- https://DebbiDachinger.com/gift/
About Debbi Dachinger
Debbi Dachinger is a book coach who teaches how to write a highly engaging book. She guarantees your book will be an international bestseller using her fully-done-for-the-author service, and is a podcast interview coach for results. Debbi has hosted the “Dare to Dream” podcast for 15-years, nominated for two People’s Choice Podcast Awards, a Webby award, and WELP Magazine lists her as the Top 20 Best Podcasts to Listen to.