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What it takes to become a Mompreneur on Fire


I remember when I asked Dr. Ali Griffith what was her passion as a mompreneur. She started bawling. She said her son was her passion. His needs are special, because he’s autistic. And it made me wonder how in the world she was able to travel on the road with me, volunteering at all our […]

What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It for You?

affiliate marketing

How can we generate money through affiliate marketing? This is at the top of everyone’s mind, isn’t it? I’m going to give you some fast cash ways to generate money. One is looking at affiliates.  As a general definition, in affiliate marketing, you introduce other people to products or services. Affiliate marketers do not develop […]

Why Getting a Coach Is a Big Step Towards Your Success


My secret weapon in my breakthroughs is my coach and mentors. Yes, no matter how independent or intelligent you think you are, the truth is you can’t be at 100% in all dimensions of your life, and you need someone to help you get them all together. I have several coaches in different areas of […]

Wealth Is Your Birthright…but How?

wealth is your birthright

When I was young, I always thought that wealth is just for the people on the other side of the track. I used to believe that it was deemed for some but not for me.  Based on where I was from, based on the community I grew up in, I should not be where I’m […]

5 Ways to Follow Up with Your Clients

In business, it is important to look at your missed opportunities and what you can do to take care of them. One of these missed opportunities is not following up with your clients and customers. Are you leaving money on the table? When you don’t follow up with your clients, you are leaving money on […]

How to Find and Get in Front of Your Ideal Client

One of the questions that I get asked all the time is “How do I find and get in front of my ideal client?” The one really important thing that you have to realize is that finding the ideal client doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be a struggle or a drama […]

How to Play Big and Be A Badass Entrepreneur

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela We all have had experiences that profoundly affect why we do what we do. Our life circumstances, family relationships, what we were taught when we were […]

Your Mind Chatter is Getting in the Way of Your Success

As we play it big in our business, we usually find ourselves getting distracted by our mind chatter time and time again. We find ourselves conversing with our “self,” most times talking about how we are not “enough.” Not good enough, not smart enough, not talented enough, and a lot of these times, we compare […]

Managing The Customer Experience

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is a big deal when we’re talking about managing the customer experience. Have you ever wondered why some businesses are more successful than others? Or why people love going to the same restaurant? Or even why people are willing to pay more for […]